The Farm
Woodland Farm
Once part of an intensively grazed pasture, we are transforming a 4.5 acre plot into a nature-friendly smallholding using stock-free methods to produce delicious fruit and veg for the food stall.
Stock-free Farming
Using nitrogen fixing legumes like clover, and organic compost made from willow wood-chip, we farm without livestock or animal inputs whilst building the fertility and health of our soil.
Doing this aligns with our ethical values, but also means we can grow an abundance of produce using less land, water and fossil fuel resources!
Learn more at stockfreefarming.org
“I believe that food should be grown in ways that minimizes harm to nature and that small farms and regional markets are the future of sustainable food production globally.”

Our vision
Whilst we have already started to grow produce for the stall, we are also investing in the what the farm will look like in the long term – bringing more diversity with agroforestry rows, a forest garden, coppice and maybe even a wildlife pond one day!
Open gate at Wyvern Fields
From time to time it may be possible for you to visit our farm as well as our neighbours’ with whom we steward the land thanks to the Ecological Land Cooperative. Get in touch and we’ll let you know if there are any events coming up.